Tuesday, November 18, 2014

A little about me...

So to get started with my first post I thought I would give a little bit of background into my life.  I’m an aunt of a beautiful 6 year old niece who is a total sassy pants, a cute little 3 year old nephew that runs on constant energy, and another spoiled rotten nephew that recently turned 1.  This year I started my first year of college at a community college about 2 and half hours away from my hometown, and that’s the reason I live with my sister and her family.  Oh, but there’s this one thing--- I can’t make new friends.  I am here without any friends, except of course, my awesome sister, but I can’t have that awesome college experience without people to enjoy it with.  Maybe it’s because I am very seriously awkward around strangers that I have yet to make one serious friend.  Or, it could be because I refused to take more than one class on campus, and if people talk to me, I just laugh because I rarely know what to say to ANYONE.  So I decided to start blogging; hopefully I won’t totally embarrass myself like I do trying to get out and make friends.  And so I’m just going to document my crazy journey here, and who knows maybe I can make some friends along the way!   


  1. Can't wait to see more of your posts and learn more about you :)
