Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Pretty in Pink

So, the other day as I was getting ready to go to my bore me to death biology class, someone decided to make a HUGE mess.  I guess it should have been obvious that he was into something, because he hid from me after I told him to get out of the bathroom.  And it just so happened that miss Colee Shay had left her dance make-up on the counter just inside his reach.  Here is the aftermath of Bek putting on A LOT of hot pink lip stick… 



Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Baby Brat

This month is baby brats 16th birthday and the only thing she insists she HAS to have is her sister tattoo. My older sisters decided that the four of us all needed to get a tattoo on our wrists that said sisters in Latin (in Latin because it is a continuous infinity sign). Since they got theirs when I was only 16 my mom thought I wasn’t old enough to get mine. She thought I might change my mind in the future about having a tattoo. So anyways baby brat has continuously whined about getting her tattoo for her 16th birthday (until they said yes so she would stop asking about it) and since I have yet to get mine, she is dragging me to get mine done too. However, since it’s her birthday present she should be getting it done first right? Well no, she made the appointments and mine is first and for those that don’t know me...I am a HUGE baby. Just like when my cousin turned 16 we wanted to get our belly buttons pierced and I made her go first in case it hurt too bad then I could chicken out. So on Saturday we are going to get our tattoos but then again we may not because I am a big baby.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year

Well here it is, it’s 2015.  This New Year’s Eve was spent with some people that are very important to me…my family.  Although not everyone was blood related it didn’t matter because family isn’t just people that are related, they're people that you love and that love you back.  We all had a lot of fun dancing, singing karaoke, and watching the ball drop.  Here is to the beginning of this year.